1. To have an outlet to share my thoughts, that's a bigger space to do so outside of my facebook status.
2. To share my journey especially about discovering new truths. My quest for knowledge regarding living my best life. I really believe that "When you know better, you do better." --Maya Angelou.
Many of you know this past year I've been searching about eating & living better, really in all areas of my life. It all started March of 2010, when I saw Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Show. It really opened my eyes to the way food was made, and taught me how to read food labels. It really was the beginning of the search for something more...when it comes to living healthier. I found myself starting to ask really healthy questions about what I was eating, and why. I bought his cook book and quickly tried a few of the recipes.
In the last year I've seen two dear young women die from cancer. I found out that when people are diagnosed with cancer their doctors put them on a strict diet including: fresh fruits, veggies, juicing, organic items and I'm sure so much more. I found myself asking these questions: Why aren't we living this way on a regular basis? Why are we waiting to live this way until we are seriously ill? My friend Natalie is more familiar with this world of organic/healthy foods. So I asked her if she'd take me on a tour of Ever'Man natural food grocery store. I was quite overwhelmed my 1st trip there.
In February I saw a special on Oprah featuring her whole company going vegan & giving up animal products for a week. She had Alicia Silverstone on talking about being Vegan. Alicia shared about her book and her website. http://www.thekindlife.com/. I purchased her book right away. I liked that she didn't preach about everyone needing to be vegan. She talked about doing/eating/living better. I didn't become vegan after reading this. I did find it brought enlightening thoughts.
I started buying organic fruits/vegetables as much as I could. We tried to switch to organic milk, and tried organic chicken. We were excited to go to farmers markets to buy fresh produce from the local farmers.
Then Sunday June 26 I truly felt the Lord leading me to do the Daniel Fast for spiritual/mental & physical wellness. Juan and Natalie did the Daniel Fast with me. It was 21 days drinking only water, eating only whole grains, fresh fruits, & veggies. Having no sweeteners of any kind.
When we came off the fast, I developed habits that have stuck. I'm drinking mostly water, loving fresh fruits & veggies. I tried having meat after the fast, and my body doesn't like it at all! So I've eating hardly any of it since then. I'm not sure when/if I'll go back to it. I definitely know, I'm not going vegan. I like yogurt and cheese too much. Cream in my coffee is also something I'm not willing to give up.
So thank you everyone for taking an interest in my 1st ever blog. I plan to share more about my adventures in this new lifestyle I'm learning about.