Saturday, September 15, 2012

How to make a Delicious Green Juice

I have made many green juices before, and some I must admit most of them turned out pretty disgusting. I have found the secret to make a good tasting green juice: it's LEMON! 

My favorite Green juice recipe thus far:
- 1 orange
- 1 apple
- 1/2 a lemon (sometimes a whole lemon if I'm wanting it to taste like sour candy)
- a big handful of spinach ( any kind of greens will do, I love spinach, or lettuce)
- another big key is to make sure its mixed really well after juicing.
- last but not least pour it over a large glass of ice. Any juice you make always tastes a million times better over ice.

There are a couple reasons why I love this juice recipe so much:

1. First of all it doesn't taste at all how it looks. I admit it looks pretty yucky, but I promise it's not. The lemon is the secret ingredient that makes it good. The apple adds the sweetness. The spinach adds the greens that you need.  And the orange of course adds vitamin C.

2.  You feel immediately energized after drinking it, like you can run a marathon, do a kickboxing workout or even do the dishes!  haha!

3. It's a great way to get a few more veggies into your life. I'm working my way up to adding more veggies to this juice, but for now I love it the way it is. 

If you're into juicing you need to try this one. Give it a whirl, use whatever veggies are your favorite. Be sure to add the lemon.

Have a favorite juice recipe? Share it. I'd love to hear:)

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