Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How we built the Raised Garden

This is Juan (My hubby)'s 1st blog post! He shared his instructions on how to build a raised vegetable garden so I could share with you. He's so sweet:) I know a few of you had asked "How?" So here's his instructions. Please message me with any other questions you may have and I'll pass them along to the builder (a.k.a Juan). BTW: we didn't use a kit, or instructions from anywhere. Rather I showed him pictures of what I was looking for from Pinterest and low and behold we have a couple raised veggie gardens. He's awesome at figuring stuff like this out.  

  •  6 ft long
  • 3 ft wide
  • 20 inches high

  • 2  - 2 x 10 x 18 ft pressure treated lumber (this makes the sides)
  • 3 – 2 x 4 x 10 ft pressure treated lumber (for the top rail)
  • box of 2 ½ coarse thread screws

Tools Needed:
  •  tape measurer
  • skill saw
  • drill
  • patience
  • t square for angles

Approximate build time: an hour 1/2


  1.  2x 10 x18 boards cut:  Four 6ft lengths & four 3 ft lengths                                                                                     
  2.  Screw the 3 ft lengths onto the ends of the 6ft. Attach the other 6 ft side. (so you make your box). You’ll do that twice.
  3. Stack your boxes on top of each other. Then screw them together. The way I did this was with a 2 x4 in each corner. Then screwed the boxes to a 2 x 4.
  4.  Then the top rail: cut the 2x4 at 45 degree angle opposing to make a 90 degree angle for the edges.  Screw them on to the top of the box to create the top rail.
  5. Fill with dirt, lots and lots of dirt. This could ruin your husband’s back…but you’ll have a beautiful raised veggie garden!

Tomatoes broccoli and lettuce are thriving in this garden right now

That cute mischievous little schnauzer is Jack. He was no help at all in the building process

There's still room for 1 more raised veggie garden way back there

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