This week I tried my hand at making beeswax lip gloss. Beeswax is completely nontoxic & is known for it's healing properties. Bees have to fly 150,000 miles to produce 1 lb of beeswax!
The ingredients to make the lip gloss are:
- olive oil
- grated beeswax
- honey
- small containers with lids
It took me awhile to find beeswax. It's sold at Hobby Lobby for $15 for a lb. But it smells like regular wax. It's really nothing special. I Called a few beekeepers in Pensacola for their prices on their beeswax. One guy I met at the Palofox farmers market told me $10 a lb...which I was excited about since it was cheaper than hobby lobby & would be local beeswax. When I talked to them on the phone about the price & picking some up they said it would be $12 a lb. So I contacted Kittrells Dream. They have a bee farm and harvest honey, make beeswax soap and sell it at the Palofox farmers market. They would sell me beeswax for $8 a lb. But poured it into 2.75 lb it would $20. I was stoked! So I talked to them online & arranged to pick up my brick of beeswax this past Saturday at the farmers market.
When we got home from the farmers market Charlotte & I tried our hand at making lip gloss. I heated the olive oil & the beeswax on the stove, until all the beeswax was melted. Once melted I poured the honey in slowly and continued to stir it. I poured the mixture into the small containers. I'm supposed to leave them at room temperature for 48 hours so it gets to the right consistency. The next day I noticed that the honey settled to the bottom of the containers. The lip gloss was a bit too firm to actually to use it. I'm wondering if I need to use more olive oil next time, and maybe let the honey heat up longer on the stove into the beeswax mixture.
Although I don't have it perfect yet. The lip gloss smelled AMAZING. And I really love the idea of knowing exactly what I'm putting on my body. There are so many chemicals in regular household items we purchase. I've just come to this point in my life where I firmly believe if you know do better. I want to do the very best with what God has given me. I want to take care of my children the very best I can. I don't think I will be able to make everything at home, but it's fun to try some of these items:)
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