Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Produce Arrived!

I placed an order on Sunday night with "Off the Vine" produce to have a box of fresh fruits/veggies delivered. They promised that my fruit/veggie box would be enough for 2-4 people for a week. All of the produce is organic, and most of it is supposed to be local.The pick up time was 3-6pm at the alternative health foods store in pace. I was so excited to get my produce! I know it sounds silly...but I felt like a kid waiting to open my Christmas presents. I couldn't wait to see how much produce was actually in it.

As I waited on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday to pass I envisioned the farmers going out and picking my produce. They claim the food comes from "Farm to table" so I pictured these sweet caring farmers out in their fields harvesting my fruits and veggies. Juan went to go pick it up at 3pm and unfortunately it hadn't arrived yet. He had to run around & do we called the place and they kindly offered to leave it outside behind the shop and we could pick it up on our way home from Children's church that night. I couldn't wait all day to pick it up! Of course it would be my awful luck that I would get stuck in an hour traffic jam due to an accident. So instead of taking 40 minutes to get home, it took an hour 1/2! Juan offered to stop by and pick up the produce for me on his way home. Charlotte & Juan were very excited to show me the fruit/veggie box they picked up.

 I unloaded all the fruits & veggies on the counter. There was A LOT!
In fact there was:
- 8 carrots with the tops
- 4 pears
- 4 tangelo oranges
- 2 grapefruits
- 2 funky looking squash
- 1 large bok choy
- bag of button mushrooms
- bag of green beans
- large romaine lettuce
- large bunch of kale
- large green onions
- broccoli
- strawberries

It is a lot of food! We'll see how much we get through this week. I decided to go to Everman's to price comparison shop to see if ordering my produce from "Off the vine" is worth the time or the money. Basically for the fruit/veggie box from Off the Vine it costs $56, if I bought the same items from Everman they'd cost close to $50. So pretty much the same cost.

Also....if I purchased my produce only at Everman I could pick different bananas which are a staple in our home.

I think I would definitely order again from Off the vine, especially because the quality was extremely fresh and it's delivered to Pace. If you were every thinking about ordering produce from Off the Vine, I would tell you to consider it. It was a fun experience!

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