Monday, April 23, 2012

walking into a 'weirdo shop'

I drove by a shop on 9 mile that was called "Old Thyme Remedies". With the word "Thyme" spelled like the herb so I figured they must have some healthy remedies and lots of information. This definitely seemed like the next stop on my Medero Green Moments Journey.

The only problem is I was scared to go in. I have this crazy fear about doing things I haven't done before. I was scared that if I went in I'd be uncomfortable, it would be awkward and the workers that run the store would just be staring at me.  I imagined that they'd be dressed in flowing tribal 70's outfits. They'd have super duper long hair that they never wash. They'd be wearing Birkenstock sandals, & no makeup.  In my mind it would be 100% a weirdo shop!

I actually drove by the store a for a couple weeks before I ever decided to stop by. This week I decided to just go and walk in. Kind of like ripping off a band aid, I decided to just do it.  I walked in and there were four people standing at the counter just starring at me. There were a TON of little bottles with herbs in them. I had NO IDEA what they were for. I walked around the store pretending to browse at the herbs in bottles. I tried to grab as much paperwork they had laying out that was free to take (so I could read it later). I walked up to the counter and told the store clerks that  I'm on a journey for living healthier and that when I saw the spelling of "Thyme" on their sign I knew this would be the next stop. they politely nodded. To my surprise they weren't dressed like weirdos at all. In fact they were in jeans and T-shirts, and they certainly were not wearing Birkenstock sandals. They looked like normal people! Yay. I don't know why I always expert the worst.

Once I got in the car I read over all the paperwork I had grabbed while in the shop.  They do detox through foot baths. They do all kinds of classes like making soap, cleaners etc.  The classes seems kind of fun. They remind me of the classes Everman does.

I'll definitely go back and check it out again. Below is their Facebook link.

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