Thursday, January 10, 2013

The most awful and awesome moments of Day 3 and 4 of the Juice Fast

Well Day 3....I started my morning at 7 am with a headache and just feeling foggy. I had heard this could happen on Day 2, or Day 3. I decided to juice all of the juices for Wednesday since I was going to be gone for the whole day and night. I also juiced Thursdays 8am and 11am juice.  So in total that was 7 juices for me, and 7 for my hubby = a total of 14 juices juicing them all at one time. I didn't finish juicing until 10:30. I was completely and totally beat after that. While I was juicing I watched the two videos Jason Vale posted about juicing for the day. He shared an interesting tip to run warm water through the juicer in between juicing a juice to clean it. I thought that would work perfectly! So I ran the warm water through it, and didn't realize that the top of my juicer had a crack in it. A ton of pulp from the juice cam spewing out the back of the juicer as well as most of the water! What a disaster. It was such a mess, my whole counter top was a complete mess. So I had to pull it all apart, and clean the counter, and the juicer. I had to manually wash the juicer after every 2 juices I juiced. It seemed to take forever.
I drank my 8am juice at home
Had the 11, 2, 5 & 8pm all at work. It's always a long day on Wednesdays. Our normal routine before the Daniel & Juice fast we would order a pizza on Wednesday nights since we get home so late. So I found last night to be particularly difficult.

Jason had talked about how on day 4 most people get this surge of energy. I was so hoping that would be me. On Thursday (Day 4) I woke up ready to go. I got a ton of work done before 8am! Drove my daughter to school.  When I got home, my husband had a major spurt of energy too. He had started on some home renovations we have been wanting to do. I did a ton of errands, and still had energy left over. I never feel this good. I think the juicing is giving loads of extra energy. WOHOO!

Ready for more good news?!?!?! It's only half way through the juice detox and here are some stats:

  • I've lost 1 1/2 inches on my hips
  • I've lost 1 inch on my behind.
  • and the best part: 4 inches on my waist & lost 6 lbs already!!!!!!!

Jason shared that there's a plan for 14 days after the detox. I can say for sure I am NOT going to eat the same after the detox. I am NOT going to eat as much. I am DEFINITELY going to be working out starting Monday! MOTIVATION has set in. I'm thrilled about the momentum.

For those of us who are doing the juice detox we are 60% of the way there! Way to go. We can do this!   Anyone planning your first meal after the detox? I am so sure we are having salad at Chilis, chips with salsa and a big glass of water!


  1. Brilliant blog, I was thinking of rinsing out the juicer with water as Jason said, but i was terrified it would go everywhere lol

    1. Thank you! You could try it and see what happens with your juicer! I wish it had worked.
